If you rent a house, an apartment, live in a dorm, or even senior living facilities, your personal property needs protection. Renters insurance helps to protect your personal belongings in the event of a covered loss. Landlords and apartment complex owners have coverage to protect their buildings. You need coverage to protect you.
Business Owner
The company offers a Business owner program with policies that covers property on a Risk Not Excluded or a Named Peril basis. The policy is designed for various smaller business operations that include offices, mercantile, and churches. We provide the opportunity to write coverage based on fair market value as opposed to requiring replacement cost value.
Why Choose Us?
Trusted by thousands of West Virginians.
At Panhandle Farmers Mutual we do not have shareholders – so that means we put the needs of our policyholders first. And that results in better service… suggesting ways to minimize risk…settling claims more fairly and quickly. No wonder more than 135 million policyholders choose mutual insurance to protect their property. Become a part of something bigger. Become a member of a mutual.